Source code for regcore_read.views.regulation

from collections import defaultdict

from regcore import db
from regcore.responses import four_oh_four, success

[docs]def listing(request, label_id): """List versions of this regulation""" part = label_id.split('-')[0] notices = db.Notices().listing(label_id) by_date = defaultdict(list) for notice in (n for n in notices if 'effective_on' in n): by_date[notice['effective_on']].append(notice) reg_versions = set(db.Regulations().listing(label_id)) regs = [] for effective_date in sorted(by_date.keys(), reverse=True): notices = [(n['document_number'], n['effective_on']) for n in by_date[effective_date]] notices = sorted(notices, reverse=True) found_latest = False for version, effective in ((v, d) for v, d in notices if v in reg_versions): if found_latest: regs.append({'version': version}) else: found_latest = True regs.append({'version': version, 'by_date': effective}) if regs: return success({'versions': regs}) else: return four_oh_four()
[docs]def get(request, label_id, version): """Find and return the regulation with this version and label""" regulation = db.Regulations().get(label_id, version) if regulation: return success(regulation) else: return four_oh_four()

Project Versions

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